Nothing predestined me in my academic career to become a painter! Being a medical laboratory technician since 1992, I started in 2015 with a simple workshop to introduce abstract painting. Instant revelation for me!! After only a few days, I was equipped to exploit my imagination and my new passion!
After trials, errors and experiments, I continued my learning through research in the library and on YouTube. The logical next step was to dare to share my creations with my friends. Then it was the creation of a Facebook page, an Instagram account and now this site with an online shop to share and sell my paintings to lovers of abstract art.
Creating canvases is a way for me to get out of the routine, to escape. Instead, I make brightly coloured canvases, sometimes in relief, which brings depth and movement. Above all, I want to create a visual impact and arouse an emotion at first sight. When I paint, I don't have a specific theme... I go according to the inspiration of the moment.